Suffering Class Recordings

If you’d like access to the entire “God’s Purposes in Suffering” audio and video recordings of our recent Sunday school class on suffering, the entire “God’s Purposes in Suffering” series, please click HERE .


New City Fellowship (PCA) in Orangeburg, SC. Planting pastor JP Sibley shared (by video below) the story of New City being planted and how the Lord has guided them over the last 8 years.

Sunday School Classes

Human sexuality and gender are a regular topic in the public square. How can Christians engage our cultural moment with truth and grace, thoughtfully and winsomely? One of our elders, Brian Deadwyler, is leading a 6-week Sunday School class, Truth and Grace in Human Sexuality exploring what the Bible teaches regarding human sexuality and gender.

Anonymous Sunday School Question Submission

The Old Testament makes up over 75% of our Bibles. Why did God give us so much Old Testament? How do we read and understand it now? Andrew Lingg is leading an adult Sunday School class that will show how the Old Testament points to Christ and how helpful it can be for us today. This class will be held from Sept 11-Oct 9.